Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting #2

Hey blog! Today in class, we did our 2nd group meeting with the same rules that followed last time. Mrs. Stoklosa got us into random groups of 5 or 6 and we had to discuss all of our ideas that each of us had. During the 1st meeting, it was a lot of ideas and suggestions instead of actual project work. I thought this meeting that we did was a lot more impactful and everyone had pretty much got the memo of what to do for this project and many of them ACTUALLY got their filming done unlike some people(me). I got paired up with Amparo, Beatrice, Kalel, and Santina today and they had lots of creative ideas but they were pretty different from might so I was excited to see what they had in store for me and share their ideas.

The first did we did was share our blogs and we all were pretty impressed with the blogs we have posted about. I looked at their blogs and Amparo stood out to me.

Amparo's idea of girls at the beach and they get reckless sounded pretty interesting. She showed us some of her shots and they looked well made with the positioning of the camera and the lighting they used. 

We also talked about the project with things like the CCR, showed footage of our films, and our overall thoughts on the project. 

Many of them liked my idea of doing an interview as my CCR video and I think one of them actually took inspiration from it which made me feel good about my ideas for making the films. Others talked about doing a podcast like on of my group members Hannah, and I also thought that was a good idea but a little more complex to actually set up and roll with unlike the idea I had for an interview, but nonetheless, a great idea. Another idea I heard was reporters interviewing you. Similar to mine but I plan an actual sit down and talk one-on-one while this one people would be asking you with the public seeing it. 

We all showed each other the footage they made. Kalel showed us really good shots that he took at Markham park with the sunset setting and the sky looked beautiful in the back round, adding that nice touch to his film. A lot of the members in my group talked about also using fake blood for some of their films and they were impressed with how my group did mine since they all had unsuccessful attempts. 

Finally wrapping this blog up and the meeting, we talked about our overall thoughts on this project. We all had mixed feeling about it. Some actually enjoyed filming the scenes and honestly, some of them were pretty cool to create, while some felt very stressed at times with getting the blogs in on time. Some of them like me had the problem with procrastinating and completely not going on with the schedule they created, so I'm kind of glad I was not alone with the schedule procrastination.

Overall, I think this actually was a good meeting as everyone in the class could of just gone back to their groups after the meeting was over but we all chose to stay and discuss more about the project which was surprising to me and it helped me put this blog together better. The idea of the meeting was a great way to see how everyone has been doing their project and share some thoughts or recommendations on how they should improve or what they did right.

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