On Monday during my AICE Media Studies class, we did the camera shots quiz and we were supposed to make a story with 15 shots with 10 shots assigned to do and 5 of our own choice that elaborated what our story was about.
My partner and I decided that we should create a story involving a boss fight against and eraser and a glue stick in which the eraser(main character) falls to the glue stick(boss) standing in his way.
My reflection on our project is that there are definitely things that we can improve on like the type of shots we took and how the story was portrayed but overall for being beginners at shot-taking and story-telling, I think we did pretty decent with how each shot and each angle shows, explains, and emphasizes what the story is like through the shots we did. One of my personal favorite shots from this is the low angle shot at the end of the fight and I feel like with this it has this feeling from movies that you've been defeated and have to accept it. One of the shots that I feel like that I could improve on was the establishing shot and I think we should of create more back round and information to it since I feel like it was a filler shot and just there to be there and not explain and introduce the story.
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