Friday, September 27, 2024

One Word FIlm

 These past weeks we have been working on our One Word Film which we had to create a short film describing the word we were given. My partner and I got the word "Threatening" so we thought of a boss fight in an arena where the main character stumbles across a huge man and is visibly threating showing off his dominance against main character.

During our brainstorming, we wanting to get an idea of what we could do while putting the main points of our project and adding anything else necessary during the filming and adding suggestions for the editing techniques we could utilize during this.

 One word film brainstorming-1.docx

After the brainstorming, we made our storyboarding for the project, basically what the film would look like. Our storyboarding was very useful in guiding us through the shots since we had a reference what the scenes would look like with this while making minor tweaks in the film.

After we finished filming, we had to edit the project. We used the Adobe Premiere rush and we had to make two different edits between both My partner and I's project. I added an instrumental, transitions, and a sound effect to my film.

Overall, for our first film, I think we did alright with our shots, idea of film, and editing but I do know that we have many things that we can work on with the big one being editing, but we can only get better with practicing and making mistakes.

OWF_Mazone Link to project

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