Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sound Project

 After finishing the One Word Film, we started to study sound in which we learned how important but unnoticed sound is in everything and how certain sounds are made by a thing called Foley, basically creating a sound with other objects.

For our project for sound, we had to portray a scene using only sound and we got assigned a partner to work with, we also had to create 4 Foley sounds during this project.

What we came up with is an arcade scene playing a motorcycle game adding sounds like arcade noises in the background, instrumental of hip-hop songs, and motorcycle sounds and the sounds we added with Foley were things like coins jingling, footsteps  and bells jingling. During the brainstorming, we divided all the sounds into certain scenes that turned into our outline which guided us through the project in what to import into the project and what order to add all the sounds in and we used the Adobe Premiere rush to edit our project

Overall I think we did good on our project with the sound choices, Foley's that we made and the idea overall that I thought was a great example to describe sound and one thing that brought this project down was the editing on it.

Sound project


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