Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Going into Portfolio Project

 So now I will be transitioning onto THE biggest project I will do in my AICE media studies class being my portfolio project. This project will be an opening to a film and I will post frequently about my process when doing this project and having a critical reflection on the film.

My plans for this project is that I will be getting a group of people to help me with the film opening and the project and right now me and my team are going to find a genre before we want to decide what we want to do.

I'm going to approach this project in a manner to follow the steps to creating the best opening I can do with identifying all the key components in making a film opening successful by establishing the tone of the film, showing the genre, showing the credits, the title of the films, engaging the audience and to develop a purpose to the film

Something I may want to consider for my genre for the film opening could be creating a sort of mystery like aspect of the film to prepare the viewer. I personally like mystery type of things in general and showing how a whole 90 minute film could be like just in the opening would really excite me to see.

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CCR question #2

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