Monday in class, Ms. Stoklosa wanted to switch it up on us today and she made us get into random groups of 5 and 6 to talk about all of our different projects. Some of the ideas my group members had or already have were great.
So my group members consisted of me(Nick) Gabriel, Adil, Santina, Beatrice and Ana. Our meeting started off pretty slow since we were all talking to each other for the first time but Gabriel and Beatrice opened up to there work and we started to discuss our ideas.
Like many of us, Gabriel wanted to make his opening with the thriller genre and he has not finalized his idea yet like most of us(and me) but his idea was a guy relaxing at his house after a long day of work and then getting a random call from someone he does not know screaming "YOU HAVE TO GET UP BEFORE...!" and the man gets up. I thought this idea was good but unoriginal. I think he should try to make an idea similar to this but add a little more details into his idea.
Beatrice said her idea next and I think her idea was pretty solid. A girl getting cursed by a witch and her getting trauma from it causing depression and making her feel unsafe. I think this can definitely work but we suggested she should add how the witch developed the curse.
I told my idea next and since I am writing this on Wednesday, our story has changed since Monday so expect in future blogposts the story to be different. I told them there would be 2 survivors in a forest running from a monster on a dark, foggy night and they eventually escape and are in the middle of the park, they start walking with the map they got and they hear a sound, don't think much of it and keep walking. A zombie creeps up and ends with the zombie on top of them, about to eat them. My group members thought the idea was solid but Gabriel said I should have less running in the opening.
Adil came up next and I thought he had a good idea from his film opening being inspired by godzilla. He stated he wants his setting to be in a jurrasic world type area and how science would take over humanity. I personally like te idea a lot and I want to see where he goes with it.
Ana and Santina were last and Santina wanted to have a story about a girl whos social life is pretty isolated and she comes home with nobody there. Something that's confusing about her ideas was her talking about a car ride home and her mom taking her for ice cream in the opening and we suggested to make you opening make more sense.
Ana was last and she had an idea where a girl first turned 21 and was at the beach having a drink and suddenly she passes out, her friend posts a picture online and her parents find out and the opening ends there. I think this can work but some suggestions to her opening was to describe more about the party and what happens there.
Overall, I think all of the ideas we have for our opening are good and can work well with the suggestions that we all had to all of our ideas and it was good looking at some other film openings before I started mine.
Here's a picture someone took of us when we were talking about our projects
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