Thursday, February 13, 2025

Media theory

 Now, I will be talking about a media theory that I would want to integrate into our project. We have a list of theory's from the paper that Ms. Stoklosa gave us 

Here is a photo of the paper she gave us

With these media theory's, I would want to use the character theory as I think it will not only describe our film really well, but it's also something I would want to talk about since I feel pretty confident in this theory.
My group and I will use character theory which is basically that characters can be classified into specific roles being 
Dispatcher-Character who sends the protagonist on their journey
Helper-Character who aids protagonist
Donor-character who provides the key item to help the protagonist succeed
Princess- The motivation for protagonist
False hero- the guy who seems on the protagonists side and then acts as a villain to stop the protagonist from succeeding

 What we plan to do with this theory in our film is that when the main character gets hit with trauma in the film opening that you guys will see in our later blog postings, he is going to adapt into one of these characters most likely being the hero to end the zombies terror.

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